hairpin structure

美 [ˈherpɪn ˈstrʌktʃər]英 [ˈheəpɪn ˈstrʌktʃə(r)]
  • n.发夹结构
hairpin structurehairpin structure
  1. Methods Two DNA sequences containing small hairpin structure were designed and synthesized .


  2. Application in Constructing DNA Computer with Hairpin Structure


  3. Then we mainly introduce the hairpin structure and the principle of molecular beacons .


  4. Can form a terminating hairpin structure that stops transcription of the operon .


  5. This paper is mainly analyzed the hairpin structure band-pass filter and DGS low-pass filter , and designed the new structure microwave filter .


  6. The conformational change in the hairpin-probe causes the opening of a hairpin structure and the hybridization to primer .


  7. The β - hairpin structure , short peptide connecting two β - strands , was analysed in proteins defined at a resolutions of 2.5A or better .


  8. Specific molecular beacon hairpin structure has highly specific recognition ability to the target sequence . And it has become a powerful research tools in the filed of molecular biology and biotechnology .


  9. The theories and designing method about microstrip band-pass filter are also discussed in chapter 5 . The software , ADS , is used for designing microstrip bandpass filter with hairpin structure .


  10. Based on sequence similarity and hairpin structure prediction , we found that 156,639 reads representing 63 sequences from 42 highly conserved miRNA families , have perfect matches to known miRNAs .


  11. Usually , an inverted repeat sequence containing intron is taken into plants , transcripted in plants , formated a hairpin structure and produced double-stranded RNA , then caused gene silencing .


  12. Objective To construct DNA expression vector of siRNA , and to study the target gene expression inhibition by RNAi in mammalian cells . Methods The hairpin structure of siRNA transcript template targeting EGFP gene was first synthesized .


  13. Its principle is mainly in the bases of complementary matching principle . Through the formation and launching of hairpin structure in corresponding DNA chains , use gel electrophoresis operation to separate different lengths of DNA chain , and obtain the solution of the problem in the end .


  14. In the absence of target adenosine , the aptamer can fold into a hairpin structure and form a cleavable double-stranded region . Fc species are capable of being removed from the electrode surface by treatment with endonuclease , and no peak current is observed .


  15. MicroRNAs ( miRNAs ) were a group of small and single strand noncoding RNA gene products about 21 ~ 23 nt long that were very conservative in the evolution . They were usually processed by Dicer from precursors RNA with a characteristic hairpin secondary structure .


  16. Herein , we generated a new type dual Pol III siRNA expression vector , in which the siRNA encoding sequence is common DNA instead of hairpin DNA , and therefore it will ravel out all the limitations brought on by hairpin structure .
